Anti-Cancer Diet

An optimal nutritional program may consist of a personalized meal plan and select nutritional supplements to maximise nutrition and optimise metabolic function.

At LifeCancer Care, our physicians and nutritionists work closely together to help patients understand the fundamental principles of an anti-cancer diet and give personal advice, meal plans, and recipes depending on each patient’s unique condition.

Common diets for cancer patients all tend to focus on eating real, non-processed foods, that are nutrient dense and low in refined carbohydrates.

The main aim of these diets is to support the body in fighting cancer while depriving the cancer cells of their main energy source, sugar. Most cancer thrive on sugar (which is how PET scan’s work by attaching a radioactive tracer on to sugar molecules), so it makes sense to avoid it like the plague. Literally, a cancer patient’s life depends on it!

At the same time, we do not approach all cancers and all patients with the same anti-cancer diet. Each person and every cancer are different and would need a personalized plan, for example, a breast cancer diet would not be the same as a colon cancer diet. Specific therapeutic foods are recommended to target the possible root of cancer for that individual patient.

Diets for cancer patients our team may utilise include:

  • Ketogenic Diet
  • A ketogenic diet is a low carb, high fat, moderate protein plan, which aims to keep the blood sugar to a minimum, this is effective to supporting some specific cancers, like cancers of the brain, or those cancers which show an upregulation of Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) which is directly influenced by insulin. Many cancers show an upregulation in IGF-1 therefore a ketogenic diet is implicated for many patients.
  • Kelley Diet
  • The Kelley Diet is a diet created by Dr. William Kelley back in the 1960’s who cured himself of stage 4 pancreatic cancer combining this diet with his enzyme protocol. The diet is based around optimizing nutrient density which supports optimal immunity and hormonal regulation, with a key focus on supporting detoxification of toxins through the liver and kidneys. The diet is generally combined with the Kelley enzyme protocol, infrared saunas, ozone therapy and rife therapy.
  • Budwig Diet
  • The Budwig diet is a diet developed by Dr. Budwig and is a balanced diet, but its key component is the consumption of ground flaxseeds with cottage cheese at regular times during the day. This combination of foods is said to provide the delivery of sulphur from the cottage cheese into cells which upregulate immune system function and a weakening of cancer cells.