Patients who come in for our supportive program are treated with our integrative approach of understanding their existing conventional treatments of chemotherapy and radiotherapy as administered through their oncologist and together with our natural cancer treatments;

such as IV and IM therapies, and physical therapies; like hyperthermia and colonic therapy. Integrating natural and conventional approaches has been known to accentuate the effects of conventional therapies on cancer cells. Studies have demonstrated, for example, the positive effects of combining hyperthermia with chemotherapy.

The “best of both worlds” approach has helped cancer patients go through their treatment protocols with minimised side effects and a better quality of life.

Stress management and dealing with toxic emotions coming from within or from family members, work colleagues or friends is supported and managed by our psychologist, who can help clear these toxic emotions and create a positive and relaxed mindset.

Some people are at increased risk due to hidden infections which cause DNA mutations over time, these include types of viruses (like EBV, Herpes, Hepatitis, HPV) mycoplasma, bacteria and root canal infections.

Treating these infections are important to reduce your risk. Understanding your genetic risk to various cancers based upon specific SNPs (single nucleotide polymorophisms) can help develop various preventative strategies which can be implemented through lifestyle or more medical approaches.

We address your overall risk by assessing your lifestyle, family history, laboratory reports and genetic profile. From this, along with working with your oncologist, we can tailor a specific supportive strategy which is right for you.