Clinical Services

Expert Consultation

An expert team delivering Precision Medicine and Advanced Healthcare to our patients. Marseille Quincé ’s specialists are committed to provide personalized Western & Chinese Medicine for your needs.


Get care from the comfort of your home.
Marseille Quincé provides the highest quality of Telemedicine. After video consultation, we arrange Delivery-Med service of the prescribed medicine right to your doorsteps.

Genomic Precision Medicine

With Genomic Medicine, we can now focus on individuals more than ever! This requires a change in the philosophy of practice in Medicine, Marseille Quincé has brought in evidence-based Genomic Medicine into our routine Clinical Care. Our genomic medicine represents a landmark service in Hong Kong.

Target Therapy & Immunotherapy Expert Consultation

Marseille Quincé provides both customized target therapies and immunotherapies to our cancer patients. Based on Next Generation Deep Sequencing of tumour or liquid biopsies, we are able to identify specific mutations of the tumour-driving genes indicative of treatment target(s) unique to each individual patient.

Chemotherapy & Radiotherapy

As a licensed Day Procedure Centre, Marseille Quincé provides a wide range of in-house chemotherapies to our patients. In collaboration with our hospital partners, we also provide various types of radiotherapies..

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Marseille Quincé is dedicated to provide Integrative Chinese-Western Medicine. Integrative Medicine is useful in multiple arenas including cancer care, stroke care, eczema, and treatment of long COVID symptoms.



Medical tourism is a wider term for travel that focuses on medical treatments and the use of healthcare services. It covers a wide field of health-oriented tourism ranging from preventive and health-conductive treatment to rehabilitational and curative forms of travel. (Wikipedia: Health Tourism)

Marseille Quincé ‘s belief is “Everyone, regardless of background, should be entitled to live a healthy and happy life.”

That is everyone should be accessible to healthcare they need, a healthy mental life, chance to experience “Prevention is the best treatment” to eliminate suboptimal health condition.

Health Tourism is one the very effective approach to achieve the above.

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People, especially patients and their carers, tend to prefer ONE STOP SHOP for medical examination, diagnostics procedures to treatments & procedures, hence following up consultations.

Marseille Quincé has its own affiliated medical centre in Macau which due to open in 2024 Q1 and partners in Hong Kong and mainland China.

Being the award-winning comprehensive healthcare provider, Medipoint offers a holistic healthcare solutions with its diverse range of health & medical services under one roof, as follows;

  •   Western medicine
  •   Chinese medicine
  •   Dentistry
  •   Vaccines
  •   Examinations
  •   Ultrasounds
  •   Physical therapy
  •   Rehabilitation therapy
  •   Health management