Immune Cell Therapy Basics

There is a close relationship between cancer progression and loss of immune function.

Immune cell therapy can be used as an adjuvant therapy for cancer.

Recent studies have found that normal-functioning immune cells have the potential to treat diseases. Scholars have further discovered that immune responses are often related to the progression of the disease. For example, spreading of cancer cells in the body often associates with the insufficient number and function of immune cells. When the immune cells are not functional, the body’s defense mechanism is not strong enough to fight against abnormal cells or viruses, and even can not block the spread of cancer cells. These findings have made immune cell therapy a research topic in recent years, and countries are actively investing in clinical research on immune cell therapy.

With the advancement of cell culture technology, the medical community can now use the peripheral blood cells to culture immune cells in vitro and infuse back to the patient’s body to kill the remaining cancer cells. Therefore, people are looking forward to the future use of immune cells to treat cancer. However, cell culture is risky, and it is necessary to ensure that the cultured cells are both safe and effective under professional control of laboratories. In general, the cell processing unit (CPU) must conform to the good tissue practice (GTP). It is necessary to establish a set of standard operating procedures, strictly abide by the high-standard aseptic operation specifications and eliminate the possibility of pollution in order to ensure the safety of each batch of cells. Professional laboratory personnel need to test the optimal culture conditions for the cells isolated or cultured in vitro, so that the cells can be in the best condition and can be safely and effectively used on the patient. With the rapid development of immune cell therapy, more immune cell research has entered clinical trials, and commercialization of cell preparations will be just around the corner.