IV Therapies

What is it?

It’s a combination of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can be put together in several different ways which are then injected into a vein.

Why does it work better than simple supplements from the shop?

It can be a 20-minute push or a longer infusion depending on the purpose. Intravenous vitamins and minerals are introduced into the body by a vein and avoid the “first pass” of the liver. When you swallow a pill, it goes through the digestive system and the liver which acts as a filter to remove some of what that pill contained. This is a normal process and whatever is left gets into the system and delivered to our cells to allow our bodies to function. Nutritional IV avoids the “first pass,” and you get 100% of that solution. Just imagine how you would feel if you got the full effect of the multivitamin you’re taking.

IV Therapies

High-dose vitamin C solution – can strengthen the fight against cancer cells and has been shown to provide considerable support during chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Other benefits include: Improved blood serum levels of vitamin C Effectively reduce the side effects of conventional treatments
IV ALA is used in breast and colon cancers, among others, and has been shown to be successful in the treatment of breast cancer and colon cancer many times in our clinic. IV ALA has also been shown to be effective in the treatment of a variety of cancers (including leukemia and ovarian cancer), and its powerful antioxidant function can inhibit cell proliferation and accelerate apoptosis (programmed cell death). It has also been shown to reduce angiogenesis (the growth of new blood vessels) in cancer cells, thereby helping to stop the spread of cancer.
Glutathione IV therapy improves liver and brain function along with other benefits including: improved systemic circulation and reduced blood clotting. When used as a complementary cancer therapy, it can minimize the side effects of chemotherapy.
There is growing evidence that intravenous artesunate (artesunate given intravenously) may be helpful when used in conjunction with conventional treatments, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy, or with natural treatments such as IV vitamin C. To kill cancer cells. Artesunate (IV Artesunate) is effective because it selectively affects tumor cells without damaging normal cells. This is because artesunate only affects cells that contain excess iron and are considered cancer cells in pathological conditions.
IV B17 also known as Laetrile and Amygdalin B17 IV therapy is used to directly attack cancer cells in the body without damaging non-cancer cells.
Myers coctails is a popular vitamin and mineral IV treatment used for a variety of health conditions and symptoms, including: chronic fatigue immune enhancement Reduce side effects allergy
Chelation therapy involves intravenous delivery of a drug called EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) into the bloodstream. EDTA is an FDA-approved substance that treats heavy metal poisoning, heart disease, cancer, and chronic inflammatory diseases such as arthritis. It also improves blood circulation. What benefits does this treatment have for your body? By removing excess heavy metals from the body, cells can function optimally, increase the elasticity of artery walls, and reduce free radicals in the body. These benefits help prevent damage to our blood vessels (causing heart disease and stroke), brain cells (causing memory loss and dementia), and DNA (causing cancer).
Peptide infusion Thymosin: The thymus is an important gland that regulates the entire immune response to pathogens and defective cells. As we age, the thymus shrinks in size and its function becomes impaired, making us more susceptible to cancer. There are many factors that affect thymus function, including malnutrition, repeated infections, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Taking thymus extract or peptides can help increase the activity of the body's own thymus gland, activating white blood cells so they can more actively fight cancer. Thymosin treatments include thymus extracts from animal sources. Spleen peptides: Derived from the animal spleen, the largest gland in the lymphatic system is a reservoir of white blood cells and helps activate the body's immune response. Studies have shown that peptides from the spleen are particularly effective in activating the immune response of NK cells (natural killer cells), which are responsible for finding cancer cells and triggering their death. Peptide therapy can be combined with traditional therapies as a means of reducing treatment side effects while helping to optimize traditional therapies in the fight against cancer.
Vitamin B12 helps the body obtain energy from fat and carbohydrates and create new proteins. This is important for maintaining normal blood, cells and nerves.