What are AF-MSCs?

What are AF-MSCs (Amniotic Fluid Mesenchymal Stem Cells)?

The fetus grows in the mother’s womb and surrounds the important fluid “amniotic fluid”, which is also the original source of life! The medical community has confirmed that amniotic fluid is not only a barrier to protect the fetus, but also rich in early stem cells, which are involved in the development of the fetus. Through routine obstetric examination procedures, a small amount of amniotic fluid can be obtained from pregnant women at 16 to 20 weeks of pregnancy through amniocentesis. The amniotic fluid can be cultured to “amniotic fluid mesenchymal stem cells” (AF-MSC) which have excellent proliferation and differentiation ability.

Properties of AF-MSCs

AF-MSCs are derived from the germ layer of early fetal development. They are multifunctional stem cells with strong regeneration and differentiation capabilities, which can be used to promote and repair tissues. Its number is tens of thousands of times that of adult stem cells, its differentiation potential and activity are better than that of adult stem cells, and its function is similar to that of embryonic stem cells, but the source is less ethically controversial. AF-MSCs are one of the most potential sources of stem cells in regenerative medicine.

Features and advantages of AF-MSCs

The youngest fetal stem cell >> No ethical controversyFast proliferation rate >> Cell culture mass production is easyHigh gene stability >> No tumor formationMany types of differentiation >> Many indicationsLow immune rejection >> Wide applicationCurrent animal studies have shown that AF-MSCs help regenerate and differentiate different organs and tissues, including kidneys, bones, skin, cartilage, liver, and heart.AF-MSCs are cells in the early stage of the fetus. The telomere length of the chromosomes is very long, which means that the cell proliferation and growth ability is better than that of postnatal cells, and the aging rate is slower.The immunogenicity of AF-MSCs is very low, so preservation of amniotic fluid can provide opportunities for those who are closely related to take advantage of medical advances.

The scope of research and application of AF-MSCs

AF-MSCs have the advantages of differentiation potential and integration between embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. The current international application of AF-MSCs includes stroke, Parkinson’s disease, myocardial infarction, pulmonary fibrosis, and acute renal failure. , urinary incontinence, bone repair, etc.